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Finding Heritage through Travel

الأحد، 28 يوليو



Join us for an enlightening online talk where we delve into the rich tradition of travel within Muslim culture, from the legendary journeys of Ibn Battuta to the modern day. Discover how traveling is not just a physical journey but a profound opportunity to seek knowledge.

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Finding Heritage through Travel
Finding Heritage through Travel

الوقت والموقع

28 يوليو 2024، 12:30 م – 1:30 م


نبذة عن الحدث

Join us for an enlightening online talk where we delve into the rich tradition of travel within Muslim culture, from the legendary journeys of Ibn Battuta to the modern day. Discover how traveling is not just a physical journey but a profound opportunity to seek knowledge, appreciate the diversity and beauty of Islamic cultures, and connect deeply with heritage and identity. Explore the exquisite architecture, vibrant cultures, deep philosophies, and compelling storytelling that span across Muslim lands. In collaboration with Revival Retreats, we will also reflect on Sufism—a mystical branch of Islam that emphasizes the pursuit of a personal connection with God through poetry, music, and other artistic expressions. This talk promises to be a captivating exploration of how travel enriches the soul and deepens our understanding of the Islamic heritage.

About Zoheb, Revival Retreats

Zoheb, also known as Zoheb Visuals in his filmmaking profession, was born in Scotland to Muslim parents from Southeast Asia. His transformative journey to Muslim lands began with a life-changing trip to Morocco in 2021. Originally intended as a simple shooting gig in Fes, this trip deeply connected him to the traditions and people of Morocco and other Muslim-majority countries, leading him to return frequently.

Muslims born and raised in Western societies, like Zoheb, often face identity and faith crises, both of which he experienced and overcame through his travels. The spiritual tradition of Sufism, particularly in Fes, played a significant role in this transformation. The city's historical significance and vibrant spiritual life, from Qur'anic recitations to Sufi music, made Fes his first love among historical Muslim cities.

Zoheb's passion for these experiences led him to return repeatedly, bringing friends and eventually organizing group trips through Revival Retreats, sharing the enriching journey with people from around the world.

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